The N.A.P. Hunter Chrome Extension is Back!

The N.A.P. Hunter Chrome Extension is Back!
The N.A.P. Hunter Chrome Extension is Back!

The N.A.P. Hunter Chrome Extension is Back!

NAP Hunter Chrome Extension

Hey Local SEOs!

In 2014, LSG released N.A.P. Hunter, a free Chrome Extension that enabled you do to run several standard local business NAP (Name, Address, & Phone Number) queries at once, then export the Google results into a CSV. At its peak, N.A.P. Hunter had more than 4,000 regular users. It broke a few years ago and we finally got around to updating it.

Here’s how we described it when it launched:

If you’re like us, you probably think citation work is the worst. All that manual work to clean up local business data at publishers that can’t keep their own databases accurate is hardly a challenge worthy of a local SEO genius like yourself.

N.A.P. Hunter is a Chrome extension we built to help us speed up that manual citation auditing process, and we wanted to share the wealth. N.A.P. Hunter performs searches for various combinations of a business’ name, address and phone number to give you a look at its citation profile and automatically download it to a .csv file.

This updated version also allows you to hunt for GBP URLs – click on the Calibrate NAP query options button.

You can get the extension here at the Chrome Web Store.

Happy hunting!

The post The N.A.P. Hunter Chrome Extension is Back! appeared first on Local SEO Guide.

Maggi Pier

Maggi Pier

Avid gardener, artist, writer, web designer, video creator, and Google my Business local marketing pro!

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