Category: Development

Yoast SEO snippets to customize your site

Yoast SEO automatically handles all sorts of things for your site. Features like meta tags, schema, sitemaps, and content analysis help you rank higher in organic search results. However, you may have a custom or specific use case that requires adjusting how our plugin works for your site. Yoast SEO includes filters that allow you…

The readability checks in Yoast SEO: a closer look with our linguists

The readability checks in Yoast SEO: a closer look with our linguists

This month we are commemorating 5 years since the Yoast SEO readability check was first released! Since then, we’ve continued making improvements. We sat down with our Linguistics team lead, Manuel Augustin, and researcher-developer, Hanna Worku, to get a deeper view of how the readability check works and how they adapt the tool to add…
