Wouldn’t it be great if creating infographics was as simple as writing text-based blog posts? Usually, it would take a lot of time, effort, and skill to make them — but that doesn’t have to be the case. Considering the popularity and effectiveness of visual content in marketing today, you shouldn’t throw in the towel…
What is the 7×7 Rule in PowerPoint?
Despite its reputation for dry content delivery across virtual and in-person meetings alike, PowerPoint remains the go-to choice for many professionals, even as other options emerge that offer greater usability and flexibility outside of the Microsoft ecosystem. Part of the presentation platform’s popularity stems from its familiarity — many organizations still run Microsoft-first IT software…
How to Give a Persuasive Presentation [+ Examples]
A presentation aimed at persuading an audience to take a specific action can be the most difficult type to deliver, even if you’re not shy of public speaking. Creating a presentation that effectively achieves your objective requires time, lots of practice, and most importantly, a focused message. With the right approach, you can create a…
Pro Speakers on How to Give a Perfect Keynote Presentation
Two years ago, I was asked to give a presentation about my HubSpot article on emotional marketing. It was by far the both exhilarating and nerve wracking experience of my professional life. I don’t necessarily hate public speaking. However, leading up to the event, I felt the full responsibility of not only delivering a good…
14 PowerPoint Presentation Tips to Make More Creative Slideshows [+ Templates]
I like to think of Microsoft PowerPoint as a test of basic marketing skills. To create a passing presentation, I need to demonstrate design skills, technical literacy, and a sense of personal style. If the presentation has a problem (like an unintended font, a broken link, or unreadable text), then I’ve probably failed the test….