Category: SEO Strategy

Voices of Search Podcast Recap: Local Vs National Intent

  TLDR: It’s important to consider how local or national your SEO strategy should be to maximize your SEO investment. This ensures you are properly aligning your content, site structure, and keyword strategy effectively. Before you create content for a keyword check if there are local or city-specific results and check the keyword’s ranking in…

How to Create an SEO Strategy (non-technical version)

How to Create an SEO Strategy (non-technical version)

TL;DR – This is a high-level overview of how to create an SEO Strategy. The emphasis you should have on different aspects of SEO will vary based on the business goals, industry, and budget. However, we’ll cover some critical questions you should ask, must-haves, and other important aspects of having a successful outcome with your…

What is a website taxomomy?

What is a website taxomomy?

While scavenger hunts can be fun, users don’t want to frantically search through a website to find answers to their questions. They want them quickly, and they want them to be easy to find. The structure users want is called taxonomy. Scientifically, a taxonomy is a classification scheme that dictates how things are organized and…
