As of today, Thijs de Valk is no longer the CEO of Yoast. He decided to step down and pursue other dreams. Newfold Digital and Yoast will miss him and want to thank him for his time at Yoast and for all the wonderful things he has done. Thijs’ career at Yoast Thijs was one…
The 5 Best SEO-friendly Website Builder Software for 2023
The 5 Best SEO-friendly Website Builder Software for 2023 Did you know that the top pages on Google’s search engine result pages have an average of 32% of click-through rate? And 75% of people never scroll past the first page. Your best bet for getting searchers to visit your website? Be on page 1. But…
10-Second Local SEO Win: Request Indexing of That New Page in Google Search Console
It took blood or treasure or both for you to get those new pages written and up on your site. Even before that, you may have struggled in the local search results, struggled to figure out what may help you gain traction, and struggled to set aside the time to get it done. After all…
What Could AI for Local Search Look Like?
We don’t have to wonder too much as Neeva already provides AI-driven results for some local queries. For example, here’s what you get for “pest control”: When you expand the AI box, you also get a list of sources that were used to generate the text in the box and get something like an “AI…
Live Event – SEO Office Hours: The George Santos Guide to Search Volume (Ch. 1)
Live Event: February 9th at 11:30 AM TL;DR: We’re holding an SEO Office hours live event to reveal our research on how Semrush and Ahrefs don’t always accurately predict search volume. In some cases, they are both inaccurate, and in other cases, one is better than the other. Our research indicates that industry and type…
Can You Get Notifications of New Google Reviews Even When Your GBP Page Is Suspended?
Yes, at least in certain cases. By my lights, even if your Google Business Profile page has been soft-suspended and you’re locked out of your own page unless and until you re-verify, Google may still send you an email notification that a customer has posted a review. It’s a ghost in the machine. You won’t…
4th Edition of Free Guide to Effective Local SEO
The 3rd edition of my free guide has been like a certain legendary former New England Patriot: it’s had a run for the ages, still does great work in the field, but nobody can say the cleats were hung up too early. I put out the 3rd edition in late 2016, and the local SEO…
Using YouTube to Pull More Freight for Your Local SEO
If you’re like me, you don’t obsess over YouTube or videos in general. Maybe it’s tough to do videos in your industry, and tougher in your particular situation. You may have your hands full with all of the other SEO and marketing stuff. You may not like handing over so much of your intellectual property…