Join us at MnSearch 2023 Summit!

Join us at MnSearch 2023 Summit!
Join us at MnSearch 2023 Summit!

Join us at MnSearch 2023 Summit!

Join us at MnSearch 2023 Summit!


PM Scalability: Low Effort-High Reward Strategies that Build Efficiency & Client Satisfaction

Project Managers (PMs) and anyone interested in working smarter (not harder) should attend the 9th Annual MnSearch 2023 Summit in St. Paul on June 15-16 to hear Tessa Voecks, VP Operations at Local SEO Guide discuss ways to successfully scale up a project management system (PMS). At LSG, Tessa implemented a PMS that taught us how to build efficiencies, hold people accountable and increase client satisfaction. Case studies – er, LSG mistakes key learnings — will be presented to drive home key points.

Register to attend and/or read below for more information. Register Here

Teams wear so many hats today that a robust project management system (PMS) is no longer a nice to have; it’s essential.  At MnSEARCH SUMMIT, attendees will learn:

  • Why internal Client Info Centers are essential
  • How to leverage productivity tools to literally save you a day a week (in terms of new-found time) and help scale your business.
  • Ways to Maximize PM system effectiveness (Hint: Give clients access to your process)
  • Why a good PM system is essential: it herds the cats for you!Time & Date

Date: June 15 – 16, 2023
Time: Exact presentation date/time TBA
Location: River Centre, St. Paul Minnesota
Format: Standard Conference Session

Speaker highlight

Tessa Voecks
Vice President of Operations
Tessa is has been a proud SEO nerd since 2013. She most enjoys problem solving, creating efficiencies, and being a part of a client’s success. When not doing all the SEO things, Tessa enjoys spending time with her family and giant cat Greg, shopping, sipping coffee, and being anywhere near water.

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Maggi Pier

Maggi Pier

Avid gardener, artist, writer, web designer, video creator, and Google my Business local marketing pro!