Category: Paid Ads

Growing Your Marketing Campaigns With Thought Leadership

Growing Your Marketing Campaigns With Thought Leadership

Imagine if you were the next thought leader in your industry, like Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuk, or Tim Ferriss. What do these notable figures have in common? They all have big reputations as credible resources in their fields. That credibility attracts profitable clients, speaking opportunities at conferences, and overarching success in business ventures. Thought leader…

What Are Twitter Carousel Ads?

What Are Twitter Carousel Ads?

There’s no doubt that PPC ads work, but what if you want to take your advertising to the next level? Well, you can with Twitter carousel ads. In 2020, Twitter Carousel Ads made their debut. More recently, Twitter announced multi-destination functionality for advertisers that want added flexibility and the capability to target different groups with…

Click Fraud Blocking: Your Search Ads Secret Weapon?

In the quest for more conversions, there’s an element most PPC advertisers overlook; invalid traffic—aka IVT, fake traffic, click fraud, or ad fraud. You might have noticed the IVT column in your Google Analytics dashboard, although it isn’t displayed by default. And if you’ve ever searched for invalid traffic online, you have probably read Google…

Online Advertising for Business: Creating the Perfect Plan That Gets the Customers You Want

Online Advertising for Business: Creating the Perfect Plan That Gets the Customers You Want

The internet has transformed the advertising industry. Traditionally hard-to-measure channels like TV, billboards, and sponsorships are being pushed to the wayside by cheap, trackable online advertising channels like social media ads, display, and paid search ads. This shift is democratizing the industry. Even the smallest brands can compete on the same platform as multinationals if…
