Category: Wicca

Spirituality vs. Witchcraft: The Magic Behind the Difference

Spirituality vs. Witchcraft: The Magic Behind the Difference

Understanding spirituality and Witchcraft As we delve into spirituality and Witchcraft, we must grasp the nuances that define each concept. At its core, spirituality is a personal journey of self-discovery, a quest to connect with something greater than ourselves, be it a higher power, the universe, or our inner selves. It’s a path that transcends religious boundaries,…

Candle Magic Power: Harnessing Energy Through Flames

Candle Magic Power: Harnessing Energy Through Flames

Introduction to Candle Magic For centuries, cultures worldwide have embraced the ancient practice of candle magic. It involves harnessing the power of fire and flame to manifest intentions, invoke spiritual energies, and create positive change. This comprehensive guide will delve into the captivating world of candle magic, exploring its rich history, symbolism, and practical applications….

Living Amongst Witches and Embracing the Magic

Living Amongst Witches and Embracing the Magic

 Introduction: A magical neighbourhood Have you ever considered the possibility that magic might not just be the stuff of fairytales and folklore? That, perhaps, it’s interwoven into the very fabric of our daily lives, hidden in plain sight for only those with the knowledge to see it. This isn’t about pulling rabbits out of hats…

What Does the Astarte Asteroid Mean For Astrology?

What Does the Astarte Asteroid Mean For Astrology?

The Astarte Asteroid is an obscure astrological object. However, this is about to change. Venus’s sister, who represents passion and possessiveness in a relationship, is someone you don’t want to mess with. Astarte, instead of being frothy and sweet, might be harsh and rough. Consider Venus without the filter or desire to treat everyone with…

White Magic Love Spells – How They Work Best

White Magic Love Spells – How They Work Best

White magic love spells are certainly one of the most sought-after of all of White Magic Spells! Witchcraft especially when working with White magic is an extremely potent strategy to bring in desirable occurrences or situations. This is something witches have known and understood for centuries. When you merge the positivity of white magic with…
