How Google’s AI Overviews Impacts Contractors’ Local SEO Strategy

How Google’s AI Overviews Impacts Contractors’ Local SEO Strategy
How Google’s AI Overviews Impacts Contractors’ Local SEO Strategy

How Google’s AI Overviews Impacts Contractors’ Local SEO Strategy

The SEO landscape is constantly evolving, and Google’s recent introduction of AI Overviews is no exception. These AI-powered summaries appear at the top of search results for informational queries, potentially impacting how users discover your content. Let’s break down what this means for your local business’s strategy.

First, take a deep breath. AI Overviews primarily target informational searches, not the local “near me” and service-based queries that drive leads and revenue for most local businesses and home service companies’ traffic.

So, service pages and optimized location listings (Google Business Profile, Apple Maps, Bing) should remain relatively unaffected.

What Is the AI Overview?

Google’s AI Overviews are exactly what they sound like: a summary/overview of results based on the users’ search.

  • AI Overviews are created by Google’s AI to help users quickly grasp information from search results.
  • Links are included within the Overviews to direct users to the source of the information and enable further exploration if desired.
  • There is no special action required by publishers to have their content included in AI Overviews.

Optimizing for the New Landscape

However, your blog content and other informational pieces might see a shift. While keywords remain a valuable tool, we’ve always advocated for a more holistic approach. Here’s how to ensure your content thrives in this new era:

  • Quality is King: This isn’t new, but it’s more important than ever. Well-researched, engaging content that truly informs the user is key. Leverage your research tools like Semrush and Ahrefs to identify trending topics and craft content that fills knowledge gaps. Don’t forget AI’s potential here – explore AI writing assistants to brainstorm fresh, localized content ideas and topic clusters.
  • Embrace Structured Data: Think of structured data/schema markup as a roadmap for search engines. Implementing it clarifies your content’s meaning, making it easier for Google’s AI to understand and potentially feature in Overviews.
  • Speak Your Audience’s Language: People ask questions naturally. Optimize your content for voice search by using conversational language and addressing common queries in a clear, concise way.
  • Trust Matters: Back up your claims with citations and references from credible sources. This establishes your content as authoritative and boosts its chances of being included in an Overview.
  • Visual Appeal: Break up text with images, infographics, and videos. Not only does this make your content more engaging, but it also provides Google’s AI with additional information to process.

Focus on Conversion Rate, Not Just Clicks

With AI Overviews potentially impacting click-through rates on your blog content, here’s why you shouldn’t panic:

  • Content as Credibility Booster: Even if users don’t click through directly, your content might be referenced within the Overview, increasing brand awareness, and establishing you as a thought leader in your local niche.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization: Shift your focus to maximizing conversions from the users who do land on your content. Craft clear calls to action, optimize landing pages, and ensure a seamless user experience to convert readers into leads.

Why Users Might Be Slow to Adopt AI Overviews

It’s important to consider that users might not be quick to embrace AI Overviews entirely. Here’s why:

  • New Technology, New Skepticism: As with any new technology, there may be an initial period of user skepticism. Users might be unsure of the accuracy or completeness of the information presented in the Overview.
  • Desire for Choice and Control: Searchers might prefer to explore a variety of sources and perspectives, rather than relying solely on the information presented in the Overview.
  • Complexity of Informational Needs: Some informational searches can be nuanced and require deeper exploration than what an Overview can provide.

Tracking AI Overview Performance (for Now)

It’s important to monitor the impact of AI Overviews on your SEO strategy. However, at this time, Google Search Console does not provide data for AI Overview impressions or clicks. This makes it challenging to directly measure the impact on your traffic.

Here’s what you can do

Closely monitor impressions, clicks, and leads generated from your informational content, particularly blog posts, in the coming weeks. This will help you gauge any potential impact of AI Overviews on your organic traffic and lead generation.

The Rise of Google Business Profile

Local SEO isn’t just about website traffic anymore. Google Business Profile (GBP) is quickly becoming a primary source of leads for local businesses. Here’s how to leverage its power:

  • Claim and Optimize Your GBP: Ensure your GBP is claimed, verified, and fully optimized with accurate information, high-quality photos, and positive customer reviews.
  • Regular Engagement: Treat your GBP like a mini-website. Regularly post updates, respond to reviews (both positive and negative), and leverage features like special offers to keep your profile active and engaging.

By focusing on a strong GBP presence alongside high-quality, informative content, you can ensure your local clients are discovered and convert leads in this evolving digital landscape.

More Resources on Google Business Profile

Your Local SEO Experts for Home Service Businesses

At Blue Corona, we’ve partnered with hundreds of home service businesses throughout the U.S., helping them measurably improve their organic rankings, website visits, and qualified leads from search.

If your competitors outrank you online, or your just not generating the calls you need from your SEO campaign today, we can help. Contact our team of experts to learn more about how we help contractors like you grow their business.

Maggi Pier

Maggi Pier

Avid gardener, artist, writer, web designer, video creator, and Google my Business local marketing pro!