Do you ever wish you could unsubscribe from a conversation? As an introvert, I do, quite often. Though unsubscribing from a conversation with another person isn’t always possible (and could potentially be seen as rude), unsubscribing from emails is perfectly acceptable behavior. As a consumer, the unsubscribe button can feel like a gift from the…
A Brief Guide to Blazor for HTTP and C# Applications
Behind every great website or application is a lot of coding. When that code is heavy or overly complex, it can slow down website speed and increase bounce rates. This is why a lot of marketers are excited about a new user interface from .NET called Blazor. The name is a combination of “browser” and…
NEW Advertising Benchmarks for Home Services in 2021
Even with the millions of households in the US, the market for home service businesses is a saturated one—making paid advertising an essential marketing strategy for plumbers, roofers, landscapers, and more who want to compete. But to get a true measure of success, it’s important to know how your ads are performing with respect to…
How Apple’s iOS 15 Could Impact Email Marketers
As one of the HubSpot Blog’s email marketers, one of the key metrics I use to measure email success is open rate. When an open rate is high, it hints that your subject line did its job to pull readers, you’re sending emails at the most engaging time of day, or your subscribers are eagerly…
Difference Between Indoor And Outdoor Dry Cat Food
Difference Between Indoor And Outdoor Dry Cat Food Indoor Versus Outdoor Cat Food Difference Between Indoor And Outdoor Dry Cat Food: Apartment cats are more likely to groom in their spare time since they spend so much time on their paws. Excessive grooming isn’t as bad as it sounds (unless they injure themselves or lose…
What is an A/A Test & Do You Really Need to Use It?
What’s worse than working with no data? Working with “bad” data. As marketers, we love to test headlines, call-to-actions, and keywords (to name a few). One of the ways we do this is by running A/B tests. As a refresher, A/B testing is the process of splitting an audience to test a number of variations…
Does readability rank? On ease of reading and SEO
Is it worth your while making your text easy to read? Will it lead to higher rankings and more traffic? In simpler terms: Does readability rank? At Yoast, we’re convinced that writing in plain and understandable language can and will get you more visitors. We’ve even developed a tool to help people write readable text….
How to Create Multiple Instagram Accounts and Manage Them (Without Crying)
If you’re a social media professional or entrepreneur, you’ve likely wondered, “Can I manage multiple Instagram accounts?” at once, in one place, without messing up? Rest assured, you can. And it’s easier than you might think. Follow this guide to find out everything you need to know about running multiple Instagram accounts—and how to avoid…