Category: Google My Business

The 8 Best Instagram Analytics Tools (And Metrics to Track)

The 8 Best Instagram Analytics Tools (And Metrics to Track)

Any successful strategy requires four components: goal-setting, implementation, analysis and refinement. Instagram analytics address the analysis portion of this equation for social marketers. Good Instagram analytics tools help you understand how your Instagram efforts are paying off. You can learn what’s working and what’s not. Then you move onto the refinement portion of the strategy,…

How to Get Verified on Twitter in 2021: The Essential Guide for Marketers

How to Get Verified on Twitter in 2021: The Essential Guide for Marketers

If you use Twitter for business, you’ve probably wondered what it takes to get verified on Twitter. Because you’ve definitely seen Twitter verified accounts before. They have that blue badge with a white checkmark. Twitter users can only get this official badge once their account is manually reviewed and verified by Twitter. In fact, it’s…

5 Reasons Why Messaging Should Be Part of Your Social Media Strategy

5 Reasons Why Messaging Should Be Part of Your Social Media Strategy

Social messaging has surged in popularity in recent years. Since as far back as 2016, the number of people using the top social messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and WeChat/Weixin has consistently surpassed people using the top social networks (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter). In fact, according to our Digital 2021 Report, there are now:…
