Category: Google My Business

16 Educational Podcasts for Minority Entrepreneurs

16 Educational Podcasts for Minority Entrepreneurs

Welcome to Breaking the Blueprint — a blog series that dives into the unique business challenges and opportunities of underrepresented business owners and entrepreneurs. Learn how they’ve grown or scaled their businesses, explored entrepreneurial ventures within their companies, or created side hustles, and how their stories can inspire and inform your own success. Podcasts are…

17 Inspiring Mission Statement Examples to Help You Write Yours (+Template!)

17 Inspiring Mission Statement Examples to Help You Write Yours (+Template!)

Every business sells something. Every business is unique. And every business wants to put its best foot forward both in the physical world and online. Yes, your social media posts, website content, paid ads, emails should reflect that. But it’s also important to have one central statement that brings everything together. That’s where your business…
