Category: Google My Business

Topic Clusters Won’t Save You

Tactics provide momentum but good strategies win the long game. A good strategy does two primary things: Leverages your strengths and mitigates your weaknesses. Anticipates and exploits your competition’s limitations and weaknesses. As content marketers, we often chase tactics and forget about strategy. Topic clustering is a prime example. Topic clustering, keyword clustering, keyword grouping,…

3 Must-Dos to Demonstrate *True* Inclusion and Diversity in Your Marketing

3 Must-Dos to Demonstrate *True* Inclusion and Diversity in Your Marketing

The majority of people in the United States feel underrepresented in media and marketing campaigns, and there is more interest in what brands are doing to address this issue given the social changes that are sweeping the nation. Because of this, diversity marketing is becoming a cornerstone through recognizing and actively including the many different…
