Category: Google

Jaguar’s Rebrand: Bold Move or Costly Mistake?

Welcome to Creator Columns, where we bring expert HubSpot Creator voices to the Blogs that inspire and help you grow better. Jaguar’s recent rebrand has people talking, but not in the way most marketers hope for. Gone are the classic cues of British elegance. In their place is minimalism and “modernist exuberance.” Their rebrand campaigns involve cryptic videos,…

What is an Audience Profile? How to Build One and My Favorite Examples

When I think back to the marketing of my childhood (print media, billboards, TV commercials), I can’t believe the marketing power that we have sitting at our fingertips today. Instead of broad-stroke campaigns based on geography, brands are now able to target consumers in unique segments and offer genuinely personalized experiences (with minimal money spent)….

Marketing Spend Optimization: Expert Ways to Optimize Your Marketing & Ad Spend

I recently watched a TikTok clip of a CEO explaining how, when businesses face tough times, marketing is often the first budget to get slashed. It stuck with me because, ironically, that’s when smart marketing spend becomes more critical than ever. Without it, companies risk spiraling deeper into inefficiency and lost opportunities. Is your audience…
