Category: Social Media

4 Ways to Use Micro-Influencers to Grow Your Business

4 Ways to Use Micro-Influencers to Grow Your Business

Getting more customers in today’s competitive world is nearly impossible. Search engine optimization takes months to drive any measurable traffic, PPC costs tons of money and is often difficult for the average marketer to run without hiring an agency. Referrals are great, but you can only generate so many of them. The reality is most marketing…

Influencer Marketing: Examples and Strategies for 2021

Influencer Marketing: Examples and Strategies for 2021

You’ve likely heard the term “influencer” thrown around a lot the last few years. It generates mental images of YouTube stars promoting energy drinks and Instagram stars raving about weight loss supplements. This is called influencer marketing, and it can be a very successful strategy if you execute your campaign correctly. Let’s find out if…

How to Merge Facebook Accounts

How to Merge Facebook Accounts

Merging Facebook accounts seems to be a convenient option for companies undergoing consolidation or acquisition.  Unfortunately, merging accounts is not possible at the moment. However, marketers can request to merge Facebook accounts if they have an identical name or represent a similar product or service.  Now, what if your accounts don’t fit these criteria? Sadly,…

How to Merge Twitter Accounts

How to Merge Twitter Accounts

If you’ve ever juggled multiple Twitter accounts, you know how challenging it can be. Not only do you need to engage your followers by producing targeted, valuable content, you also need to keep your brand message consistent across all accounts. Sounds a little overwhelming, right? It can be, which is why it might be worth…
