Month: March 2023

7 of the Best Cities for Minority Entrepreneurs

7 of the Best Cities for Minority Entrepreneurs

Welcome to <em>Breaking the Blueprint</em> — a blog series that dives into the unique business challenges and opportunities of underrepresented business owners and entrepreneurs. Learn how they’ve grown or scaled their businesses, explored entrepreneurial ventures within their companies, or created side hustles, and how their stories can inspire and inform your own success. Innovation and…

Yoast SEO reduces your site’s carbon footprint with crawl optimization

Yoast SEO reduces your site’s carbon footprint with crawl optimization

Today, we’re very excited to be releasing Yoast SEO 20.4. With this release, we’re bringing our crawl optimization feature to Yoast SEO Free. With this feature, you can improve your SEO and reduce your carbon footprint with just a few clicks. This blog post will tell you about this feature and why we’ve brought it…
