4th Edition of Free Guide to Effective Local SEO

4th Edition of Free Guide to Effective Local SEO

The 3rd edition of my free guide has been like a certain legendary former New England Patriot: it’s had a run for the ages, still does great work in the field, but nobody can say the cleats were hung up too early.

I put out the 3rd edition in late 2016, and the local SEO advice in it has helped business owners and others since then and all the way up to about 5 minutes ago.  But I’ve finally got around to doing the 4th edition.  Like the previous editions, it’s different from the previous editions in both layout and in content.  Maybe for the 5th edition I can make a hologram of myself that appears in your office and yells at you Gordon Ramsey-style that you’ve cooked your local SEO all wrong.

Anyway, you already get my email newsletter you’ve already got access to the 4th edition.  Or you can saddle up here and get the free guide now:

Please let me know if you run into any issues getting the guide.

I’d love to hear your feedback.


Maggi Pier

Maggi Pier

Avid gardener, artist, writer, web designer, video creator, and Google my Business local marketing pro!