In an ideal world, sales teams and business leaders would have crystal balls to help them predict accurate sales forecasts. With these predictions, it would be easier to create budgets, set goals, know when you’ll need to hire more people, and so much more. Unfortunately, crystal balls belong in the movies, and predicting anything in…
The latest news in SEO and WordPress: February 2021
Every month, we organize a free webinar to discuss what’s new in the world of SEO and WordPress. During these webinars, our SEO experts Joost de Valk and Jono Alderson guide you through the latest news and tell you what you need to know for your site. This time there was lots to discuss, from…
White Magic Love Spells – How They Work Best
White magic love spells are certainly one of the most sought-after of all of White Magic Spells! Witchcraft especially when working with White magic is an extremely potent strategy to bring in desirable occurrences or situations. This is something witches have known and understood for centuries. When you merge the positivity of white magic with…
The Potential Impact of Gen Z on SEO
Posted by stewartfussell Generation Z’s behaviors differ from the cohorts that came before it, creating a new challenge for businesses marketing to consumers within it. Gen Z’s presence is also growing in the marketing industry itself and, as such, learning how to work with and appeal to these young people is a critical step to take…
15 Lucrative Ways to Use Facebook Carousel Ads
Facebook carousel ads offer marketers and entrepreneurs a compelling way to introduce their products and services to customers. Since it can include different images or videos, it seems to be a distinct yet effective marketing strategy. Now, how can you leverage Facebook carousel ads for your own social media strategy? Let’s start with the basics…
Blog or vlog, which one is better?
A great blog or an entertaining vlog helps you attract people to your site. Both also allow you to engage with your audience, increase brand awareness and show your expertise. That’s because you can use blogs and vlogs to dive into a certain topic related to your site or business. So which one is better?…
Winnebago Motorhomes – Iconic 1960s RVs Loved By Road Culture America
Winnebago motorhomes were named after Winnebago County, where the company HQ is located, and originated in the late 1950s with an iconic, “boxy forward sloping” campervan style which lasted through the 1960s and 1970s. Those old RVs were destined to be loved by Road Culture America. To prove that point we begin this article by…
11 Webinar Etiquette Tips for Presenters & Attendees
Now that we’re spending more time than ever at home on our computers, it’s a great time to brush up on webinar etiquette. Webinars give brands the chance to connect directly with their audiences. On the flip side, consumers get to increase their knowledge on a topic. It’s a win-win when done correctly, but not…