Despite Google’s claims that broad match is more effective than ever before, many advertisers are still reeling from the loss of their beloved modified broad match type. How can you continue getting relevant traffic from your ads? Enter: Broad match keywords + audience targeting. To be fair, this was always something you could do, but…
4 Tools to Use Instead of Facebook Analytics
We’re going to get real with you: if your business is on Facebook, you need to be using Facebook analytics. Full stop. If you’re not collecting data and insights from the activity on the platform, then you’re never going to maximize your impact on the social network’s 1.62 billion daily users. When using Facebook for…
How to Manage YouTube Comments: Viewing, Moderating, Replying and More
This past year, we had YouTube to thank for teaching us how to make sourdough bread, take care of our plants and develop a regular fitness routine (no gym required). Brands can leverage the popularity of the platform, too, by not only creating useful or entertaining videos, but by managing their YouTube comments section, as…
5 Steps to Keep Your Facebook Ads Working in iOS 14
Back when we found out about iOS 14, there were a lot of question marks as to when it would be enforced, what it would mean for your Facebook campaigns, and how you could prepare. Now that iOS 14 is in full swing, many questions have been answered—but still more arise. Like how to run Facebook…
How to Get on The Instagram Explore Page in 2021
Social media discovery is mostly driven by ad dollars, but the Instagram Explore page remains one of the final frontiers for organic reach. Behind the Explore feed, Instagram’s fine-tuned algorithm has gotten real good at recommending people with content they might be interested in. A little too good, when it comes to the spread of…
Robots.txt: The Deceptively Important File All Websites Need
The robots.txt file helps major search engines understand where they’re allowed to go on your website. But, while the major search engines do support the robots.txt file, they may not all adhere to the rules the same way. Below, let’s break down what a robots.txt file is, and how you can use it. What is…
How to Do a Competitive Analysis on Social Media (Tools and Templates)
How can you stay ahead of the competition and win on social media? Start with a social media competitive analysis. It will tell you how you stack up against others in your industry, and surface new opportunities and potential threats. This guide will teach you how to conduct your own competitive analysis for social media….
The 8 Best Instagram Analytics Tools (And Metrics to Track)
Any successful strategy requires four components: goal-setting, implementation, analysis and refinement. Instagram analytics address the analysis portion of this equation for social marketers. Good Instagram analytics tools help you understand how your Instagram efforts are paying off. You can learn what’s working and what’s not. Then you move onto the refinement portion of the strategy,…