Category: Social Media

How to Merge Facebook Accounts

How to Merge Facebook Accounts

Merging Facebook accounts seems to be a convenient option for companies undergoing consolidation or acquisition.  Unfortunately, merging accounts is not possible at the moment. However, marketers can request to merge Facebook accounts if they have an identical name or represent a similar product or service.  Now, what if your accounts don’t fit these criteria? Sadly,…

How to Merge Twitter Accounts

How to Merge Twitter Accounts

If you’ve ever juggled multiple Twitter accounts, you know how challenging it can be. Not only do you need to engage your followers by producing targeted, valuable content, you also need to keep your brand message consistent across all accounts. Sounds a little overwhelming, right? It can be, which is why it might be worth…

How to Find Old Tweets

How to Find Old Tweets

If you’re searching for an old tweet, there’s an easier way to find it than just scrolling through your timeline. This guide teaches you how. Why Finding Old Tweets Matters There are a million reasons you may want to uncover your own or someone else’s old tweets. Maybe you tweeted a brilliant business idea last…
