How to rank YouTube videos in Google search

How to rank YouTube videos in Google search

Getting YouTube videos indexed and ranking in Google search is, essentially, extremely straightforward. There are two steps you need to take. Step 1 is uploading your videos to YouTube and step 2 is setting the visibility to public. And… that’s it! Just by having your videos uploaded on YouTube and publicly available, they’ll be eligible…

Content That Inspires and Engages: 4 Millennial Mom Content Insights

Content That Inspires and Engages: 4 Millennial Mom Content Insights

The numbers game is over, especially if you’re trying to connect with Millennial Moms. Gone are the days of pumping out multiple blogs, 47 social media posts, and email blasts every day. The evolution of content to a more value-driven model is good news; marketers and the companies they serve can refocus on creating value,…
