The N.A.P. Hunter Chrome Extension is Back!

The N.A.P. Hunter Chrome Extension is Back!

Hey Local SEOs! In 2014, LSG released N.A.P. Hunter, a free Chrome Extension that enabled you do to run several standard local business NAP (Name, Address, & Phone Number) queries at once, then export the Google results into a CSV. At its peak, N.A.P. Hunter had more than 4,000 regular users. It broke a few…

Locate a Weight Loss Acupuncturist in My Area

Locate a Weight Loss Acupuncturist in My Area

Losing weight with acupuncture is a natural, comprehensive approach that promotes overall health by balancing the body’s energy. Unlike crash diets or extreme fitness programmes, acupuncture gets to the root of why people put on weight in the first place and helps them lose it for good. More than 2,500 years ago, acupuncture was famous…

Managing Colic: Relieving Your Baby’s Pain

Managing Colic: Relieving Your Baby’s Pain

Both parents and infants can experience the distressing symptoms of colic. Babies and their caretakers may find this condition very trying because of the excessive crying, fussiness, and trouble sleeping that describe it. This article will delve deeply into the topic of colic, covering many parts such as what colic is and what causes it;…
