CRM: What Your Small Business Needs to Know About Customer Relationship Management

CRM: What Your Small Business Needs to Know About Customer Relationship Management

You’ve probably heard of CRM software—used it in the past, gotten sales calls about adopting one, wistfully wished your customer data was nicely organized inside one. But if you haven’t, don’t worry. I myself was once a wet-behind-the-ears college intern throwing acronyms around like candy without any clear idea what the letters stood for. CRM…

Common Cat Diseases:

Common Cat Diseases:

Common Cat Diseases:  Common Cat Diseases:  It can be an unpleasant shock for many cat owners to discover that their pets can be affected by several of the same diseases that affect humans. Taking good care of your cat will prevent the occurrence of these diseases, but you need to start as soon as possible….

How We Became Digital Marketers in Just One Summer

How We Became Digital Marketers in Just One Summer

Posted by rootandbranch Editor’s note: This blog is from the perspective of five University of Pittsburgh students — Kirsten, Steve, Darcie, Erin, and Sara — who completed a class this summer called “Digital Marketing Search Fundamentals”, taught by Zack Duncan of Root and Branch. Introduction Our digital marketing class this summer did not give us…
