Local SEO expert Joy Hawkins joins us for a special edition of Whiteboard Friday, giving you a sneak peek at her MozCon Virtual 2021 presentation: To Post or Not to Post: What We Learned From Analyzing Over 1,000 Google Posts.
12 Useful Open Graph Meta Tag Types for Facebook and Twitter
Marketers create a lot of content. Yes, content is king, but that king is powerless without followers. So, what’s the first thing that comes to mind when you want to reach a broader audience with your awesome new blog post? Sharing on social media, of course. The massive audiences of sites like Facebook and Twitter…
Dustin and the Leadkea team
Agency Spotlight Leadkea Dustin and the Leadkea team The Leadkea agency, led by Dustin Minch along with Domenic and Mike D. They simply love SEO and doing the work to see their clients grow. They pride themselves on continually learning and adapting while focusing on best-in-class communication with clients. One way they do this is…
6 Free and Low-Cost Ways to Design Facebook Ads Like a Pro
When it comes to Facebook advertising, your ad creative is everything. Solid copy gets users to click, but it’s the images and videos that get them to stop and read your ad in the first place. But what if you can’t afford a designer or fancy equipment? What if you are limited on design skills?…
19 Pesky Google Ads Disapprovals and How to Fix Them
Ugh, we hate when this happens. Either your new campaign is ready to roll or you’ve been cruising with it for a while now. Then, out of nowhere, that ugly red text is glaring at you from the status column. You. Want. It. Gone. ASAP! But how? Fear not! Today I will be diving into the following to alleviate…
Why Clickbait Works (And Why You Should Do More of It)
Clickbait has gotten a bad rap in recent years. In the age of misinformation, people are hesitant to make sensationalist claims—and rightfully so. When done right, though, clickbait is one of the most effective ways to get people’s attention and drive traffic towards your content. What’s important is once you get them to your site,…
How does Google understand text?
On yoast.com, we talk a lot about writing and readability. We consider it a very important part of SEO. Your text needs to be easy to follow and it needs to satisfy your users’ needs. This, in turn, will help your rankings. However, we rarely talk about how Google and other search engines read and…
How to Get Free Instagram Likes in 2021 (Because They Still Matter)
How do you get more likes on your posts? Well, first off: don’t buy Instagram likes. (Trust us.) True ‘gram love don’t cost a thing. It just takes time and care to create high quality posts that are worthy of real Instagram likes from real people. Ultimately, the goal on Instagram is to show your…