Google My Business Listing Suspended? Here’s What to Do.

UPDATED 02/08/2021 WITH NEW INFORMATION Google has increased their sensitivity to spam or fraud on Google My Business profiles, particularly in the home service industry. As a result, it is much more common for an account to be automatically suspended, even for just a simple change like editing your listing’s primary categories or phone number….

How Much Do Instagram Ads Cost in 2021? (+ How to Make the Most of Your Budget)

How Much Do Instagram Ads Cost in 2021? (+ How to Make the Most of Your Budget)

While Facebook and Instagram advertising work using the same Ads Manager, their respective advertising costs vary. With Facebook being around longer, having more data, and more ad placements compared to its younger adopted sibling platform, we do find that more often than not, Instagram is slightly more expensive than Facebook in some instances. While that…

Top WordPress plugins every site should have

Out of the box, WordPress is a great system for blogging and managing websites. But to truly unlock its power, you need to add plugins to tailor it to your precise needs. Adding some of our top plugin recommendations can make really turbo-charge your site! People frequently ask us for recommendations on which WordPress plugins…

Bonds As an Investment Opportunity

Bonds As an Investment Opportunity

Bonds As an Investment Opportunity In the financial world, bonds are one of the most highly leveraged products. In finance, a bond is a financial instrument of debt owed by the bond issuer to its bondholders. The most common forms of bonds are municipal bonds and corporate bonds. Bonds can also be either in individual…
