What's a Conversational Landing Page (& How Do You Create One)?

What’s a Conversational Landing Page (& How Do You Create One)?

Marketers have found that conversational experiences on landing pages (such as chatbots and live chat) convert three-to-four times more than a traditional landing page. Additionally, a report from Juniper Research predicts that by 2023, the adoption of chatbots across the retail, banking, and healthcare sectors will save businesses $11 billion annually. So, what do these…

4 SEO Strategies for Programmatic Sites

4 SEO Strategies for Programmatic Sites

Posted by Royh Planning and executing SEO strategies for sites with hundreds of millions of pages is no easy task, but there are strategies to make it simpler. Programmatic pages are pages that have been generated automatically on a very large scale. SEO strategies for these pages are used to target multiple keyword variations by…

A primer on JavaScript SEO for WordPress

A primer on JavaScript SEO for WordPress

The technologies which power the web, and which power parts of WordPress, are changing. It’s increasingly common for developers to use JavaScript to make our websites behave more and more like apps. Done well, these approaches create rich, interactive experiences. When built poorly, they can be catastrophic for SEO. For most WordPress website owners and…

Body Language Communicating With Your Cats

Body Language Communicating With Your Cats

On This Page How to Communicate with Your Cat Method 1 of 3: Reading Cat Body Language Method 2 of 3: Communicating with Your Cat Method 3 of 3: Listening to Your Cat Cat Language: How Cats Communicate please select your preferred location and language Tips & Resources for Feeding Your Cat Your Cat in…
