16 Snapchat Statistics That Matter to Marketers in 2022

16 Snapchat Statistics That Matter to Marketers in 2022
16 Snapchat Statistics That Matter to Marketers in 2022

16 Snapchat Statistics That Matter to Marketers in 2022

16 Snapchat Statistics That Matter to Marketers in 2022

Snapchat remains one of the most popular social media platforms in the world — and it can be a great tool for businesses looking to connect with their audiences in fun and engaging ways.

If your brand is planning to use Snapchat for business, be sure to incorporate Snapchat stats into your social media plan. Tracking essential Snapchat user stats, familiarizing yourself with the most up-to-date Snapchat business statistics, and learning interesting facts about the social media platform can take your social media marketing strategy to the next level.

Numbers speak louder than words, though. Here are all the statistics you need to tell if Snapchat marketing is the right move for your business in 2022 and beyond.

Bonus: Download a free guide that reveals the steps to create custom Snapchat geofilters and lenses, plus tips on how to use them to promote your business.

General Snapchat statistics

1. Snapchat has over 319 million daily active users

As of Q4 2021, Snapchat had 319 million daily users. Just a year earlier, the numbers came in at 265 million. It’s a significant increase, and one that has remained steady year over year since the platform’s inception. That sort of growth means the base of customers a business can attract on the platform is also always growing.

2. It boasts over half a billion monthly users

Snapchat’s number of monthly active users is significantly higher than the daily count. In January 2022, 557 million people used Snapchat on a monthly basis, which made it the 12th most popular social media platform in the world.

Global social media app usership - Statista

3. More marketers are interested in Snapchat for business than in previous years

According to Hootsuite’s own research, search demand for keywords related to Snapchat for business has been growing year over year. This means that more people are googling phrases like:

  • Snapchat ads (+49.5% YoY)
  • Snapchat ads manager (+241% YoY)
  • Snapchat business (+174% YoY)
  • Snapchat business manager (+120% YoY)

So, even though Snapchat isn’t exactly new to the social media marketing game, it’s clearly benefiting from the short-form video content craze pioneered by TikTok and Instagram Reels.

Snapchat user statistics

4. North America is Snapchat’s biggest market

92 million of Snapchat’s daily users are located in North America. This makes the app a great tool for any business looking to make an impression in that region. The next largest demographic is in Europe, which has a reach of 78 million.

5. Snapchat still appeals mostly to people under the age of 35

Snapchat’s user base is still on the young side. Nearly 20% of the video messaging app’s users are between the ages of 18 and 24. Only 6.1% of male users and 11% of female users are older than 35. If your social media strategy is geared towards a Gen Z and young millennial audience, Snapchat is a great place to reach them.

6. Nearly 90% of Snapchat users also use Instagram

All of Snapchat’s users have accounts on other social media platforms. The app’s audience has the most overlap with Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and WhatsApp. Few Snapchat users also use Reddit and LinkedIn.

Bonus: Download a free guide that reveals the steps to create custom Snapchat geofilters and lenses, plus tips on how to use them to promote your business.

Get the free guide right now!

Social media platform audience overlaps (January 2022) - Hootsuite Global State of Digital report

Snapchat usage statistics

7. The average user spends 30 minutes in the app every day

Time spent in the app per day has increased since 2021 when it was reported at 27 minutes — even as more competitors emerged (looking at you, TikTok). And while 30 minutes a day might not seem like a lot, it’s only 3 minutes less than people spend on the current leader of the pack, Facebook.

The number of Snapchat users + the time they spend on the platform = opportunity for marketers!

8. 63% of Snapchat’s daily active users use AR filters

AR functions are a major part of daily Snapchat usage. In an overview for investors, Snapchat claimed that over 200 million (or 63%) of the platform’s daily active users engage with augmented reality (AR) features, like filters, every day. A business that can incorporate AR into its strategy is going to have a head start on engaging users on Snapchat.

Learn how to create your own Snapchat lenses and filters in our beginner-friendly guide to Snapchat marketing.

9. 30 million users love Snap Games

Snapchat features tons of fun games for users, like Bitmoji Party. These games, called Snap Games, consistently attract about 30 million users every month. In total, they’ve reached over 200 million users.

Why does this matter to brands? Businesses advertising on the platform can select Snap Games as a placement for 6-second unskippable ads.

Snapchat for business statistics

10. Snapchat’s users have over $4.4 trillion in “spending power”

When you have a user base as large as Snapchat’s, the total spending power is going to add up. These days, Snapchat users hold a whopping $4.4 trillion in global spending power. $1.9 of this is concentrated in North America alone.

11. Snapchat marketing has a great ROI

Lots of successful businesses have used Snapchat as a marketing and advertising platform and seen great ROI as a result. Snapchat lists travel app Hopper, hot sauce brand Truff, and clothing consignment app Depop among its most spectacular success stories.

Hopper’s example is particularly inspiring. The airline booking app used location radius targeting for their ads and designed dedicated creative assets for each radius’s advertising audience (so, for example, Snapchatters in New York only saw flight deals relating to flights leaving from New York).

According to the case study, “By introducing radius targeting to its strategy, Hopper was also able to cut its cost per install in half, and confidently scale its investment in Snapchat by 5x.”

Snapchat advertising statistics

12. Snapchat’s global advertising revenue is over $2.5 billion

At the end of the day, numbers don’t lie. Snapchat’s annual advertising revenue has grown every year since 2016. In 2021, the platform generated $2.62 billion in advertising revenue. That growth shows no sign of slowing down. It’s clear that more and more brands are recognizing Snapchat’s advertising potential.

Worldwide advertising revenue of Snapchat from 2016 to 2021 - Statista

Source: Statista

13. Snapchat perfectly suits Gen Z attention spans

As previously noted, Gen Z and young millennials make up a significant portion of Snapchat’s user base. There’s a stereotype that Gen Z-ers have short attention spans, and Snapchat’s data doesn’t exactly disprove that. Statistics show that they spend less time than older generations looking at content on Snapchat — however, their recall (specifically in relation to advertising) is higher than that of other age groups.

Gen Z users display a 59% advertising recall after engaging with an advertisement for two seconds or less. It’s a big impression made with very little time. With such an impressionable audience, Snapchat ads are set up for success.

Advertising recall vs average time with advertising across age groups

14. Ads are the most successful when they feature sound

There’s an option to view Snapchat photos and videos on mute, but statistics show that it’s not how most users engage with the app. 64% of users view ads on Snapchat with the sound on. Whether you’re including a catchy theme song or customer testimonies, it’s an important thing to keep in mind when planning your social media strategy.

15. India has the highest Snapchat advertising audience in the world

At 126 million eligible users, India leads the global Snapchat ad reach ranking. However, if we look at what percentage of a country’s population (over the age of 13) can be reached via Snapchat advertising, Saudi Arabia leads the chart at 72.2%.

Snapchat Ad Reach Ranking (January 2022) — Hootsuite Global State of Digital report

16. Snapchat’s advertising audience is 54.4% female

As of 2022, 54.4% of Snapchat’s advertising audience identify as women and 44.6% identify as male.

An interesting gender statistic comes in the 18-24 year old bracket, though. Women outnumber men in every age bracket except for this one. Men and women ages 18 to 24 are tied at 19.5% of the total user makeup in this demographic.

Bonus: Download a free guide that reveals the steps to create custom Snapchat geofilters and lenses, plus tips on how to use them to promote your business.

The post 16 Snapchat Statistics That Matter to Marketers in 2022 appeared first on Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard.

Maggi Pier

Maggi Pier

Avid gardener, artist, writer, web designer, video creator, and Google my Business local marketing pro!