Month: October 2021

Big Spenders: 5 Millennial Mom Online Purchasing Insights

Big Spenders: 5 Millennial Mom Online Purchasing Insights

Welcome to the world of Millennial Moms. It’s expansive, diverse, and has spending power. Like $47,000 per millennial per year. To put this in context, 72 million millennials live in the United States, and about 55% of millennial women are moms. And with many Millennial Moms occupying leadership roles in their households, you can find…

How to Do Paid Social Without Cookies

How to Do Paid Social Without Cookies

Google made a big splash when they announced the end of third-party cookies in Chrome, and Apple has announced a similar change.  It’s a huge shift for social media marketers, so what can you expect cookieless paid social to look like? Google’s answer to the end of third-party cookies is the Privacy Sandbox, which will…

10 Ideas For Killer YouTube Ad Creatives

10 Ideas For Killer YouTube Ad Creatives

Ad creatives are the ads served to users on a social media or digital media platform. On YouTube, these are most often video ads and may include images, video, audio, and text. When combined, these creative elements form a full video advertisement. YouTube ads are just another way to expand your reach. To ensure your…

Caffeine Free Energy Booster – Coffee vs Energy Drinks

Caffeine Free Energy Booster – Coffee vs Energy Drinks

7 Ways To Boost Your Energy Without Caffeine Brainpower is thus named for a reason: supercharged cognition results in peak mental performance. Active thinking, rapid mental processing, rapid recall, and mental clarity all require a healthy brain. However, long-term use of coffee and stimulants to enhance brain energy may result in “crashes” and decreased brainpower….
