Big Spenders: 5 Millennial Mom Online Purchasing Insights

Big Spenders: 5 Millennial Mom Online Purchasing Insights

Big Spenders: 5 Millennial Mom Online Purchasing Insights

Welcome to the world of Millennial Moms. It’s expansive, diverse, and has spending power. Like $47,000 per millennial per year. To put this in context, 72 million millennials live in the United States, and about 55% of millennial women are moms. And with many Millennial Moms occupying leadership roles in their households, you can find them online every week, sometimes multiple times a day, adding items to their carts and purchasing goods and services to take care of their families.

If you want Millennial Moms to visit your website, open your product pages, and engage with your offerings, you can’t afford to miss the mark with the online purchasing experience. 

Our 2021 annual Millennial Mom research survey yielded data-backed marketing insights that can keep your marketing initiatives timely, relevant, and impactful for a Millennial Mom audience. So keep reading for all the need-to-know online purchasing tips that appeal to this world-changing, super-spending crowd.


Bottom Line Seekers 

While millennials are diverse, educated, and progressive, they maintain the practicalities taught to them by their boomer parents. Example: they care more about price than any other factor when it comes to making an online purchase. When we asked Millennial Moms what the most important factor is when they’re entertaining the idea of making an online purchase, 44% said price, the most popular answer by leaps and bounds. As we note in our 2021 Millennial Moms Annual Research Report: 

Engage with them upfront. They don’t need bells and whistles—they need a price that fits their budget. 

Millennial Moms will not add to cart if they can’t justify the price. So take the price evaluation process out of their minds by offering a competitive, reasonable price for your products or services. 

Keeping It Real Life 

Time and time again, our survey proved that Millennial Moms look to the people they know, the people they love, and the people who look like them to facilitate brand relationships. Online purchasing behaviors are no exception. We asked Millennial Moms what was most likely to sway their decision to purchase a product or service online. They were definitive: 8 in 10 said online reviews, which was over 20 percentage points higher than the second most prevalent response, previous experience with the company. 

Especially with Millennial Moms, you need to build trust to build a long-lasting relationship. And creating a positive brand experience that inspires customers to speak their peace will do wonders for your conversion rate. Our 2021 Millennial Mom Annual Research Report expands on the impact of online reviews: 

While it’s easy for people to log on to a website and leave a scathing review of their unhappy experience with a company, if you make a big impression, Millennial Moms will be more likely to leave a positive review and do the talking to other potential customers. 

So it goes like this: 

  1. Invest heavily in your customer experience (and price is a big part of that).
  2. Build trust with current customers and inspire them to share online reviews. 
  3. Influential customers can become brand advocates, spreading the word far and wide. 

Let’s talk about how you can sweeten that customer experience, Millennial Mom-research style.


They Ship Free Shipping

Millennial Moms love an immersive and customized experience when they interact with brands. They do like to feel special and cared about. However, if they get bogged down with poorly loading websites and convoluted design, they will get frustrated and close the tab, never to interact with your brand again. Once you’ve fallen from grace, it’s hard to get back up. You can ensure you stay on Millennial Moms’ good sides by investing in online purchasing experiences that meet their needs and add icing on the cake. 

So how can you sweeten the deal? Free. Shipping. 

When we asked Millennial Moms what would make their online purchasing experience the stuff of dreams, 72% said they’d love to see free shipping. These are busy people, often working, raising children, and playing key roles in their households. Saving a buck makes a big difference in their day-to-day lives. And the second most prevalent response was quick shipping at 43%, reinforcing the Millennial Mom need for convenience. 

Shipping and logistics in 2021 were all over the place. We get it. A global pandemic will throw a wrench in anybody’s operations. But as we note in our Annual Report: 

Millennial Moms can be a pretty understanding bunch; they’re not likely to throw a fit if you have shipping delays due to a massive global event, but they have less tolerance for deception. 

Translation: Millennial Moms value honesty. If you can’t deliver on time, let them know. They’ll appreciate your honesty. 

Subscription Service Skeptics 

Audience research isn’t just for learning how to make money; it can also help you understand how to save money. Even though subscription services are a big deal in ecommerce right now, you may want to skip implementing them or minimize how many options you provide, especially if you market to Millennial Moms. Let’s revisit the question from the last section. Same question, different answer. Only 4% of Millennial Moms said that subscription options were alluring when making an online purchase.

We can look underneath the service here for explanations. Millennial Moms are practical. It takes them a while to trust. They grew up during the explosion of Starbucks as a brand; options are their friends. It takes a lot for Millennial Moms to want to lock down a product via subscriptions. Here’s another way to look at it: 

Signing up for a subscription takes commitment, and Millennial Moms are more loyal to their people than to products. 

Instead of a complicated subscription service build, get your price down and deliver your products quickly.


Your Best Brand Advocates 

Millennial Moms are hugely influential in their social circles. If you’re marketing to Millennial Moms, it’s important to remember, they’ll also market for you once they’re on board with your product or service. Let’s break down the stats: 

1 in 2 Millennial Moms first hears about a product from friends, family, or a coworker. 

About 40% of Millennial Moms say knowing a family member, friend, or coworker that had a positive experience with the product is most likely to influence them. 

So, if you can garner brand loyalty from Millennial Moms, they’ll give back:

If you nurture them, provide them with excellent online purchasing experiences, and send them products they love, they’ll talk you up to the people they know.  

The key to connecting with Millennial Moms is to emphasize connections. They value the people in their lives and seek brand experiences that reflect their values. Get real, get friendly, and get connected with Millennial Moms.




While the insights in this blog are a great starting point for wrapping your head around Millennial Mom purchasing behavior, our complete survey data contains the makings of a truly effective marketing blueprint for connecting with this influential audience. All you have to do is download our 2021 Quick Guide to Millennial Moms

If you’d like to dig a little deeper and reap the benefits of data-backed marketing (yes, we’re talking conversions), click the link to explore options for learning more about Millennial Moms. If you’d like to connect with somebody directly, email us at [email protected].  





The post Big Spenders: 5 Millennial Mom Online Purchasing Insights appeared first on Brainchild Studios®.

Maggi Pier

Maggi Pier

Avid gardener, artist, writer, web designer, video creator, and Google my Business local marketing pro!