Author: Maggi Pier

Best WordPress Booking Plugins

Best WordPress Booking Plugins

Disclosure: This content is reader-supported, which means if you click on some of our links that we may earn a commission. Does your business book appointments online? Are you looking for the best WordPress booking plugins to help you streamline your workflow and increase customer satisfaction? An effective booking plugin can be an essential part…

When Should You Use HTTPs vs HTTP?

When Should You Use HTTPs vs HTTP?

If you run a business website, you’ve probably heard you must make the switch from HTTP to HTTPS. But is there more of a difference than the extra “s?” As a business owner, you know even the slightest difference in a product, marketing strategy, or anything else related to your business can make a big…

How to Write a Webinar Script [+ Template]

How to Write a Webinar Script [+ Template]

Whether or not you enjoy public speaking, I’d bet you don’t like hopping on stage without preparing for a speech or keynote address. Running through slides, practicing in front of a mirror, or pre-writing a script — whatever type of preparation you prefer, it’s key to calming nerves and delivering an engaging, valuable presentation. The…

What is Psychometric Profiling for Marketing?

What is Psychometric Profiling for Marketing?

Here’s a question for you: How well do you know your customers?  I ask because the better you understand your customers, the more effectively you can reach them. If you know what makes them tick and what influences their individual buying decisions, you can adapt your marketing strategy to increase conversions. The answer? Psychometric profiling….
