Whether or not you realize it, you judge every website by its visual appeal. And it only takes about 0.05 seconds to form an opinion. That means the hero image (the first photo, graphic, or video people see) has to be eye-catching enough to keep people scrolling the site. High-quality hero images are the key…
How to Create Unique Gift Guides for E-Commerce Content
Whether it’s for a loved one or a colleague at work, getting a gift for someone is never easy. One reason is there are billions of options to choose from. The other reason is most people don’t have the time to look through millions of catalogs to pick one. That’s why if you run an…
South Korean Financial Supervisory Service Tasked With Crypto Market Oversight
The Financial Supervisory Service of South Korea will lead government efforts to oversee the country’s expanding cryptocurrency market. The agency has been tasked with the job after prolonged discussions over which Korean regulator should be responsible for the industry. Financial Supervisory Service Takes Responsibility for Crypto Sector in Korea It took the government months to…
5 Ways to Build a Positive Brand Association [+ Examples]
Whoever said “All publicity is good publicity” lied. The only truth in it is that bad publicity can bring attention to your brand and expand your reach. However, first impressions (and every impression) after that can last. So, if your brand is associated with negative traits and concepts, it can be difficult to change that…
20 Creative YouTube Video Ideas You Should Use in 2021
If you’re looking for YouTube video ideas to make an impact on YouTube or other platforms, you’re in the right place. Videos are a powerful tool for marketing and advertising, but unfortunately, there’s no secret formula for being successful with videos. What there is, however, is plenty of opportunity for success if you can be…
Yoast SEO 16.4: Full readability and word forms for Czech
Over the years, we talked a lot about the importance of readable texts. We want to offer everyone the chance to understand the message that you are trying to bring across. That’s why we invest so much in our language tools like the readability analysis and our word forms feature. For Yoast SEO 16.4, we’re…
The 8 Best Instagram Analytics Tools (And Metrics to Track)
Any successful strategy requires four components: goal-setting, implementation, analysis and refinement. Instagram analytics address the analysis portion of this equation for social marketers. Good Instagram analytics tools help you understand how your Instagram efforts are paying off. You can learn what’s working and what’s not. Then you move onto the refinement portion of the strategy,…
Sudden Hearing Loss – COVID-19 Linked To Tinnitus And Vertigo
Can COVID-19 Cause Sudden Hearing Loss? Sudden Hearing Loss: There is research indicating that sudden hearing loss, which occurs without any known or detectable noise, occurs when a person is exposed to a variety of sound frequencies and decibel levels (nidcd). when the noises were heard, it was considered that there was something wrong with…