Marketing is the actions you take to attract an audience to your business. You aim to get people interested in what you have to offer and share content with them to help them decide to do business with you. However, since marketing helps you attract people to your business, it’s essential to know how to…
How to Use Header Bidding
Despite the technology involved in the adtech space, there are still many inefficiencies and unfair practices that need to be ironed out. Header bidding is a solution that brings publishers and advertisers together. What Is Header Bidding? Header bidding is a process where many advertisers simultaneously bid (in real-time) in a digital auction to win…
7 ways to improve product descriptions in your online store
These days, it seems as if everyone and their mother have an online store. Platforms such as WooCommerce and Shopify make it easy to start one, so why not? But, creating a shop doesn’t equal success. There are a lot of moving parts before you can celebrate sale after sale. One of those is writing…
Our 7 Favorite (Free!) Local Marketing Resources for 2021
Digital marketing can help you to streamline and synergize your strategies, provide you with valuable data to identify what works, and make life easier for you in the long run—that is, once everything is set up. But what is “everything?” What does getting “set up” even look like? For local businesses who often don’t have…
A Simple Guide on How To Conduct Backlink Analysis
Link building is an invaluable part of SEO. In fact, it’s one of the top factors search engines look at when determining your ranking. Whether you’re developing a new link-building strategy or revising a current one, it’s important to look at where you currently stand. That’s where a backlink strategy comes into play. Let’s cover…
9 Mistakes to Avoid When Marketing or Hosting Your Next Webinar, According to Experts
Do you remember the last time you signed up for a webinar? Were you on the edge of your seat waiting in anticipation for the event? If you’re like me, it’s more likely that you signed up and attended the first ten minutes, and then started flipping through emails or answering Slacks. Or, worse —…
7 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Content Marketing Agency
Deciding on an agency for content marketing is often tough thanks to the sheer volume of agencies out there, and because you want to ensure that the one you pick delivers ROI. To make things easier, here are seven key questions to ask when you’re trying to find the right agency for your content needs.
A Complete Guide to App Monetization
You finally did it. You built your app idea, you refined the product, and now you’re ready to launch your mobile app. Hold on, if you’ve spent time and resources creating this app, don’t you want to earn something in return? App monetization is essential to the success of your mobile app. Whether you plan…